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Up to 70 cm long.


Not determined.


Females lay approximately 15,000 large spherical eggs that are pale yellow to orange. The eggs stick to small rocks or sponges, forming small clusters of 140 to 500 eggs. The sea raven then watches over its eggs. Spawning takes place from November to January.

Close to the seabed, down to 180 m depth.

The sea raven prefers temperatures between −2 and 16 °C.

Photographie d'un hémitriptère entouré d'anémones.
The sea raven lives on rocky or hard bottoms
Credit: Richard Larocque, photo taken in Les Méchins, at 15 m depth.


Small fish
Benthic invertebrates


No predators

Photographie couleur d'un rocher sur lequel des oursins sont attachés à droite de la photographie. Au centre, 6 concombre de mer et un hémitriptère sont posés sur le rocher.
Can you find the sea raven? Maybe it is simply too good at camouflage to have predators... Its morphology, pro-tuberances and ability to change colour make it imperceptible.
Credit: Richard Larocque, photo taken at la Baie des Capucins, at 15 m depth.

There is no managed fishing for sea raven in Quebec.

It may be an incidental catch during bottom fishing (trawling) and lobster fishing (traps).

Chance for survival as incidental catch

Researchers have evaluated the sea raven’s reflexes and measured cortisol levels and other stress markers in their bloodstream. They found that there is little chance these fish survive if returned to the water, regardless of whether the sea raven has been hurt or not. So why not make use of them, right?

When it emerges from the water, the sea raven’s belly swells so much with air that it cannot dive back down for several minutes.

Sea raven is a Smarter seafood-listed species.


No information.


It has a firm and flaky flesh and a rich and delicate flavour.


  • When cutting the fish, be careful with the spines at the end of the fins. They are very sharp.
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