Up to 100 cm.
20 to 30 years.
The thorny skate is sexually mature when it attains 44 to 90 cm, depending on the region where it lives.
It can reproduce all year round. The male and female embrace one on top of each other. The male inserts its reproductive organ, called the clasper, into the female’s cloaca. After reproduction, the female lays, in pairs, 10 to 45 eggs per year on muddy or sandy sea bottoms.
Called egg capsules, the eggs are shaped like elongated rectangles. Each extremity has a stiff, pointed horn. The two longer sides are lined with a mass of fine filaments. Depending on the ambient temperature of the water, the incubation period of the eggs ranges from four months to three years.
Thorny skates can migrate, seasonally, in the western Atlantic, no farther than 100 km from their place of birth.